FullMoon Graphics has been around since 1995. It was hosted on a free site for awhile until I registered the domain name in 1998. In those days, making “free graphics” was the cool thing to do. In addition, we used to embed a “no-right click” script so that visitors couldn’t *steal* the graphics and instructed them to “save to your own computer” blahblah. Sounds funny now.
In fact, there may be a few sets that still have the script on the page. Sorry about that... couldn’t catch them all. FullMoon Graphics crashed about 5 yrs ago, so you may run into a few missing pages. Putting the site back together was overwhelming and I missed some of them.
There’s been a ton of web sets, many I’ve deleted simply because they were old (and funny lookin!). A few of them I’ve saved for posterity. I used to create a new set weekly–Sunday nite–and it was usually anticipated by my regular visitors (you guys know who you are). ;)
Running my own business now, I just don’t have the time like I used to. But I guarantee FMG will always be here, if only for a trip through memory lane. Enjoy!
The graphics are listed from newest to oldest (decending). groovy.